Every person has inherent worth and dignity!
all are Welcome here
Make us a part of YOUR spiritual journey
Connect on a deeper level!
Every person has inherent worth and dignity!
Connect on a deeper level!
You Don’t Belong! One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn’t belong. Facilitated by Glen Lakes.
Something Judges Us, Something Accepts Us. “You are perfect the way you are … and you could use a little improvement,” writes Japanese Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki. This sermon, given at the University Unitarian Church of Seattle, WA on July 9, 2023, explores our interior sense of being both judged and accepted. A video recorded service with Rev. Bruce A. Bode who is Minister Emeritus at the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (QUUF) in Port Townsend, Washington.